Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Media Literacy: 5 Key Concepts and The Media Triangle

An Introduction to the 5 Key Concepts and the Media Triangle

Two frameworks are used to help you understand media messages.

The first is the 5 Key Concepts of Media Literacy.

5 Key Concepts of Media Literacy Poster

The second is the Media Studies Triangle which examines 3 different points of view (the Media Text, the Audience, and the Production) in order to gain more meaning. All 3 points of view must be considered to fully understand the media text's meaning.

Use the activity sheet Media Studies Triangle to analyse various media text....

Let's analyse a few media texts together.....

A) Here is a Coke Commercial.....

B) Here is a PSA (Public Service Announcement) About Factory Farming Called "The Meatrix":

C) Here are Movie Posters.....

D) Now, with a partner or on your own, try using the "Media Studies Triangle" to analyse a Magazine....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lesson 3: Introduction to Unit One CONFEDERATION

Unit One – Confederation -Sept. 2nd to Oct. 10 (6 wks.)
The idea of "national pride" is important. Countries like the United States, India, Italy and Turkey teach their children about the importance of when their country gained independence or united a group of provinces or states to form a country. Most countries in the world are very proud of the formation of their country.

Do some quick research on the internet to find out when the country/countries your family came from either gained independence from another country or united to become a country. For example, using the CIA World Fact Book, one learns that:

Italy became a nation-state in 1861 when the regional states of the
peninsula,along with Sardinia and Sicily, were united under King Victor EMMANUEL

Take the time to research and post results on this blog.

Like these other countries, Canada has an important history of unification (called Confederation) and it is important that we study why the various provinces united when they did. Canada is a great country (one of the greatest in the world) and we as citizens need to know some of it's basic history.