Introduction to Geography:
1) Set-up Duo Tang; Course Outline; Evaluation; and Title Page (Art Mark)
Give out Duo Tang with blank paper (title page)
Title: Geography; students will use the textbook and course outline to design a colourful and creative title page which show all 3 Units in words and pictures.
Give out Course Outline with Evaluation
Unit 1 –Patterns in Human Geo. - Feb. 2ND to March 13 (6 wks.)
Use the Toronto Star articles about this summer's propane explosion to introduce the importance and relevance of land use patterns (i.e. residential beside industrial).
Overall Expectations:
*8G1 identify and explain patterns in Human Geography and describe how human activities are affected by these patterns (Chapter 3).
8G2 demonstrates an understanding of employment patterns and trends.
8G3 use a variety of geographic representations, tools and technologies to gather, process, and communicate geographic information.
Key Question:
Identify and describe the Six Uses of Land and be able to provide examples of each.
Online Activity:
Play SimCity Classic Online and Write a Reflection about what went well and what you would do differently. You are the mayor of your town and you are seeking re-election; write an election speech about what you have done well for your town and what you plan to do in the future.
Participation in Game; Population of City; and Unit Test
Toronto Star article “Riddles in the Ruins”
BLM #2 "Information Organizer" (use one for each Unit for each Key Question).
Textbook Human Geography Chapter 3
SimCity Classic Online Game http://simcity.ea.com/play/classic_instructions.php
SimCity and PowerPoint Lesson Plan
Unit 2 – Economic Systems - March 23 to May 8 (7 wks.)
Introduce unit with Canadian Geographic: A Developing World Poster; an interactive map with lessons is also available online.
Break down GDP to wage per day to help students understand economic condition of a country (i.e. How long would it take a worker in China to buy the Xbox they make?)
Overall Expectations:
*8G22 demonstrate an understanding of economic systems and the factors that influence them.
8G23 describe the economic relationship between Canada and the global community
*8G24 use a variety of geographic representations, tools and technologies to gather, process, and communicate geographic information (Chapter 8).
Key Question:
What are the various ways we measure the wealth of one country compared to others?
Research Presentation Determining One Country’s Quality of Life (HDI) with 3 Other Countries. Of the three other countries (they pick one, I give them one, and all use Canada). Consider: Human Development Index, GDP, Literacy Rate, Life Expectancy, etc...
Bonus: What would you include to determine a students quality of life in a country? (see question 9 on page 165).
World Poster (Canadian Geographic: A Developing World)
BLM #2 "Information Organizer" (use one for each Unit for each Key Question).
Textbook Human Geography Chapter 8
CIA World Fact Book Online
Canadian Geographic: A Developing World Online Map
Participation, Presentation, and Definitions Test
Unit 3 - Migration – May 11 to June 25 (7 wks.)
Use a slide show of immigrant photos. Have students identify all the examples of people having moved from one place to Canada. Ask them why these people would leave a place (push factors) and why they would move to a place (pull factors).
Overall Expectations:
*8G40 identify factors that influence migration and mobility (Chapter 11)
8G41 demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which cultures are affected by migration
8G42 describe patterns and trends in migrations and their effects on Canada.
Key Question:
Why do people move? What are the “push” and “pull” factors?
Map and Globe Skills: Do Lesson “Where Canadians Come From” with Question 6 on page 227 with the class.
Have students interview an immigrant from their family and Create a Report or Learn About Why Your Cultural Group Came to Canada and When? Create a Report.
Options: Written Report, Photo Story or Video Interview.
BLM #2 Information Organizer (use one for each Unit for each Key Question).
Textbook Chapter 11
Teacher’s Guide Chapter 11
Participation, Project, and Test on Push Pull Factors.