Thursday, October 23, 2008

Social Studies Poster Contest: Aboriginal People and Their Environment


Task: You have been studying the 6 Native Ways of Life and how these 6 groups lived differently depending on their environment. You are going to create a full colour poster illustrating some of the key points you have learned about your Native Group. Be sure that your poster includes:

  • Name of Your Native Group (i.e. Arctic, Eastern Woodlands, etc.)
  • Name of Their Way of Life (i.e. Fisher, Hunter, Farmer, etc.)
  • Image(s) Showing the Environment (Climate, Landforms, Vegetation)
  • Image(s) Showing Natural Resources (Plants, Animals)
  • Image(s) Showing Basic Needs (Food, Clothing, Shelter)
  • Name of Key Words (Longhouse, Tepee, Buffalo, Igloo, Cedar Trees, Salmon)
  • Your Name

First, do google image searches for varous photos and pictures relating to your group. Save these photos in a folder in your home drive.

Next choose a photo of your native group's environment for the background of your poster. Open this photo in Photo Shop and be sure to resize the image to 11" X 8.5".

Use the text tool to type in the title (Name of Your Native Group and their Way of Life) in a large font, any key words in a medium font, and your name in a smaller font.

Finally, add some smaller photos from the Natural Resources and Basic Needs pictures you have saved in your folder.

Organize your poster in a creative, informative and attractive way.

Here is an example:

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